Potato Storage

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning, Storage

A docuemnt by Frank Ward outlining the reasons behend and methods of storing potatoes. WHY STORE AT ALL? A valid question to ask at this stage is why store. For many of us this question can be answered with “Because I have to!”. Simply there is no market when the potatoes are harvested. However, many people do not store, many …

Looking backward to find a path forward for the sustainable flow of suitable potato varieties to Eritrean potato farmers

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

A paper from the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability examining the history of potato variety introductions to identify weaknesses, a path forward and enable the sustainable flow of suitable potato varieties to potato farmers in Eritrea. The lack of a sustainable flow of suitable potato varieties is a major contributing factor to low productivity and production of potato in Eritrea. …

Potatoes: ensuring food for the future

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

A paper from Medcrave Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, detailing the many benefits of potatoes as related to Food Security, Climate Change, and more. Potatoes are one of the staple foods of the world. It have been used as emergency food rations in Ireland when the crops were burned, and hoarded in Russia where is called “second bread”. Potatoes …

Kenyan Seed Inspection Manual

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

A manual produced by KEPHIS (KENYA PLANT HEALTH INSPECTORATE SERVICE) detailing inspection and quality assurance of seeds provided to Kenyan farmers. KEPHIS ensures that only high quality seed of released varieties are available for use by the farmers. This is achieved through field inspection, seed processing, seed testing, post control plots and post certification survey. View/Download The Manual (698KB)

Community based potato research brings commendable change in farmers

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

An article from the Eritrean Ministry of Information detailing an Eritrean potato project and it’s results since 2015. The National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) of the Ministry is promoting potato production through farmers-based research. The project, which was launched in 2015 includes potato seed provision, multiplication, and, capacity development of farmers and experts on potato seed management to boost the …

The Kenyan company supplying fries to international fast-food chains

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

An article on howwemadeitinafrica.com detailing Sereni Fries success supplying big brands with Kenyan grown potatoes. Despite a presence in over 100 markets, the global fast-food chain McDonald’s has operations in just four African countries: Morocco, Egypt, South Africa and Mauritius. According to industry insiders, rather than a lack of demand or local market spending power, a common problem is connecting …

United Purpose – How the humble potato is helping farmers in Mozambique

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

A post on the United Purpose website, detailing how their project is training farmers to upscale the value of the potatoes and other vegetables they produce by processing them in different ways. We are empowering smallholder farmers in Mozambique to improve their food security, nutrition, income and livelihoods. As part of this, we are working with a regional initiative that …