The Potato Crop – Its Agricultural, Nutritional and Social Contribution to Humankind

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

A textbook covering all aspects of potato history, cultivation, and nutritional value. As the wise and old saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child”; it also takes a large number of authors to develop a book like this one. Over sixty to be more pre- cise, coincidentally close to the nearly 50 years of the International Potato …

Potato Storage

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning, Storage

A docuemnt by Frank Ward outlining the reasons behend and methods of storing potatoes. WHY STORE AT ALL? A valid question to ask at this stage is why store. For many of us this question can be answered with “Because I have to!”. Simply there is no market when the potatoes are harvested. However, many people do not store, many …

Kenyan Seed Inspection Manual

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

A manual produced by KEPHIS (KENYA PLANT HEALTH INSPECTORATE SERVICE) detailing inspection and quality assurance of seeds provided to Kenyan farmers. KEPHIS ensures that only high quality seed of released varieties are available for use by the farmers. This is achieved through field inspection, seed processing, seed testing, post control plots and post certification survey. View/Download The Manual (698KB)