A textbook covering all aspects of potato history, cultivation, and nutritional value. As the wise and old saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child”; it also takes a large number of authors to develop a book like this one. Over sixty to be more pre- cise, coincidentally close to the nearly 50 years of the International Potato …
Introduction to the potato and potato storage
A presentation outlining the basic benefits of potato farming with a case study examining Kishima Farm and the construction of their potato store. View/Download the powerpoint presentation (6.2mb)
Potato Processors Profiling Report
A report created by German Food Partnership (GFP-PIA) examining the potato processing industry in Kenya. Potato is the second most important food crop in Kenya after maize. It is cultivated by over 800,000 growers who are mostly smallholders. Potato contributes greatly to the household income of growers, and the industry employs close to three million people. It is for this …