IFDC – Reclaiming Kenya’s Food Basket

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

An article from IFDC explaining how The Potato Value Chain Capacity Building (PCB) project has boosted agricultural productivity in Nyandarua County. For many years, Nyandarua County was known as Kenya’s food basket. Farms were productive, and rains were adequate, resulting in high surplus production. Sufficient land was also available for farmers to plant their crops. However, many different elements have …

Alliance for Science – New potato variety could be a game-changed for farmers in East Africa

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

An article from Alliance for Science with details on the new 3R Victoria potato variety. Imagine being a potato farmer in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda or Nigeria. On a small piece of land, which you depend on for food and income, you have spent months planting, weeding and watering. Up to twice a week, you manually spray your field, sometimes with …

The Potato Crop – Its Agricultural, Nutritional and Social Contribution to Humankind

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

A textbook covering all aspects of potato history, cultivation, and nutritional value. As the wise and old saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child”; it also takes a large number of authors to develop a book like this one. Over sixty to be more pre- cise, coincidentally close to the nearly 50 years of the International Potato …

Understanding farmer needs and unlocking local genetic resources for potato improvement: a case study in Ethiopia

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

A research paper and case study looking at important potato varieties in Ethiopia. Understanding farmers’ needs and local genetic resources are crucial steps to improve and conserve the potato crop. A study was conducted to understand what potato traits Ethiopian farmers consider most important, and to characterize the diversity and distribution of local varieties. Growers from six districts were surveyed …

Potato Processors Profiling Report

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

A report created by German Food Partnership (GFP-PIA) examining the potato processing industry in Kenya. Potato is the second most important food crop in Kenya after maize. It is cultivated by over 800,000 growers who are mostly smallholders. Potato contributes greatly to the household income of growers, and the industry employs close to three million people. It is for this …

Potato Storage

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning, Storage

A docuemnt by Frank Ward outlining the reasons behend and methods of storing potatoes. WHY STORE AT ALL? A valid question to ask at this stage is why store. For many of us this question can be answered with “Because I have to!”. Simply there is no market when the potatoes are harvested. However, many people do not store, many …

Looking backward to find a path forward for the sustainable flow of suitable potato varieties to Eritrean potato farmers

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

A paper from the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability examining the history of potato variety introductions to identify weaknesses, a path forward and enable the sustainable flow of suitable potato varieties to potato farmers in Eritrea. The lack of a sustainable flow of suitable potato varieties is a major contributing factor to low productivity and production of potato in Eritrea. …

Potatoes: ensuring food for the future

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

A paper from Medcrave Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, detailing the many benefits of potatoes as related to Food Security, Climate Change, and more. Potatoes are one of the staple foods of the world. It have been used as emergency food rations in Ireland when the crops were burned, and hoarded in Russia where is called “second bread”. Potatoes …