IFDC – Reclaiming Kenya’s Food Basket

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning

An article from IFDC explaining how The Potato Value Chain Capacity Building (PCB) project has boosted agricultural productivity in Nyandarua County. For many years, Nyandarua County was known as Kenya’s food basket. Farms were productive, and rains were adequate, resulting in high surplus production. Sufficient land was also available for farmers to plant their crops. However, many different elements have …

Potato Storage

Irish Potato Colaition All Posts, Knowledge & Learning, Storage

A docuemnt by Frank Ward outlining the reasons behend and methods of storing potatoes. WHY STORE AT ALL? A valid question to ask at this stage is why store. For many of us this question can be answered with “Because I have to!”. Simply there is no market when the potatoes are harvested. However, many people do not store, many …